
Navigating Global Customs: Key Considerations for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers

23.08.24 10:01

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制药行业在全球医疗保健中发挥着至关重要的作用, producing life-saving medications and treatments that are distributed worldwide. When it comes to shipping pharmaceutical products across international borders, navigating customs regulations can be a complex part of the process – countries need to regulate the movement of goods across international borders while balancing various interests, 包括促进贸易, security, 公共卫生.

“在海关的世界里, there are many variables to consider when securing cross-border trade and adhering to different regulations across multiple regions and countries. 似乎复杂性的挑战还不够, the importer and exporter are also expected to maintain records of all transactions and retrieve them upon requests from authorities, 这可能是一项具有挑战性的任务 安娜·克莱特纳-全球海关经理,环保人士

The consequences of incorrect customs handling and flaws in shipping processes can be particularly severe when handling these life-saving products. 这可能包括损害全球十大赌钱软件app完整性, 供应链中断, 不遵守法规甚至造成财务损失和声誉受损.

药品制造商, an informed and strategic approach is paramount to ensure a seamless passage through customs.


与海关规定有关的常见错误可能导致延误, fines, 以及制造商的声誉受损. 通过意识到这些陷阱, you can take proactive measures to avoid them and ensure a smoother customs clearance process. 以下是一些必须避免的最大错误:

不准确的文档: Failing to provide 准确的 and complete documentation is one of the most significant mistakes that can lead to customs delays. 缺少或不正确的文书工作, 如海关估价, country of origin and shipping invoices can cause shipments to be held at the border, disrupting the supply chain and potentially impacting patient access to medications.

不正确的协调制度编码分类: Incorrectly classifying pharma products with the wrong HS code can result in incorrect customs duties and taxes being applied. It is important to understand that there is no global standard for HS codes and their names, 所以不同的国家有不同的规定.

Manufacturers must engage valid stakeholders who understand the classification system and have in-depth knowledge of the goods so that they can carefully assign the correct codes to their products to prevent costly errors.

忽视进出口限制: Failure to research and understand import and export restrictions in both origin and destination countries can result in shipments being rejected, 没收了, 或者在海关被耽搁. 制造商必须了解对药品的任何限制, 比如许可证要求和违禁成分. This means that you must correctly document what good are being shipped, to whom and where.

不良的质量控制和文件: Inadequate quality control practices and lack of comprehensive documentation can lead to additional customs challenges. 海关当局可能要求提供全球十大赌钱软件app质量证明, testing, 和遵从性, 因此,必须随时提供详细的记录,以避免延误.

原产国或海关估价不正确: 在发票上注明正确的原产地是很重要的. 原产地规则决定了货物的原产地.e. not where they have been shipped from, but where they have been produced or manufactured. As such, the ‘origin’ is the 'economic nationality' of goods traded in commerce. 关税分类, value and origin of a good are determining factors based on which the customs tariff treatment is applied. The correct customs valuation is equally important as it establishes the 准确的 value of these products, preventing under- or over-valuation that could impact tariff calculations and regulatory adherence during cross-border shipments.


The seamless movement of pharmaceuticals across borders requires careful planning, 详细的文档, 并积极主动地遵守海关准则. 以下是一些你应该考虑的最佳做法:

建立牢固的伙伴关系: 与物流合作伙伴建立牢固的关系, 报关行, 与供应商确保有效的沟通和协作. 开放的沟通方式能增进理解, 简化流程, 并可以帮助解决与海关相关的挑战,如果他们出现.

聘请专家: Collaborating with skilled 报关行 or experienced freight forwarders who specialize in pharma shipments can help to simplify the process for you. These professionals have an in-depth understanding of local customs regulations and documentation requirements to help to ensure a smooth customs clearance process.

You should also ensure that you have a knowledgeable Importer of Record (IOR) and Exporter Of Record EOR (EOR) who are responsible for making all the payments of duties, tariffs, 以及进出口货物的费用. This will ensure that the shipment will happen correctly in relation to local legal points and taxes.

准确的全球十大赌钱软件app分类: Properly classifying pharmaceutical products using the correct Harmonized System (HS) codes is essential for your shipment. This involves a clear understanding of the specific components of each product, 以及来源国和目的地国的分类标准.

全面的文档: 详细的文件是顺利通关的基石. 利益相关者应保持可靠的记录, 包括入职文件, invoices, 以及原产地证书. This is mandatory in all countries, although may be for different amounts of time. 确保文档完整, 准确的, 而且可用将加快这一过程,减少延误的风险.

进行定期审核: Periodic internal audits of customs compliance processes are invaluable for identifying areas of improvement and rectifying potential issues. 这些审计有助于确保海关惯例保持最新, 准确的, 并与现行法规保持一致. Any 报关行 that are used should also be audited and to ensure that the information according to invoices, 正确使用分类和估价.

保持了解和更新: 海关法规的世界总是在变化. 走在这些变化的前面, 你们应该建立一个系统,持续监测海关规则的变化, 进口/出口限制, 以及针对目标市场的行业特定指导方针. Engaging with industry associations and trade organizations can provide valuable insights and ensure compliance with the latest customs requirements.

不正确的海关合规的潜在影响是深远的, 包括全球十大赌钱软件app完整性受损, 病人安全问题, 经济损失, 监管不, 以及对制造商声誉的损害. By recognizing the importance of customs compliance and implementing strong customs procedures, pharmaceutical manufacturers can enhance their global distribution processes and contribute to improved healthcare access worldwide.

你想了解更多的海关知识吗? We offer four general customs training modules on the 可以赌足球的app学院 – log in or 在这里注册.